Didit is a task management application; with a feature that automatically remove tasks after one week.

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Didit was the first project I created after completing the “Foundation Phase” of Bloc’s “Rails Web Development Track”. Didit is a basic task management application with a twist; the tasks self-destruct after seven days, using an automatic rake task. The proposed purpose of the self-destructing feature was to add urgency, and prevent “to-do list build up”. Users can manage their account information and create, edit, and delete tasks on their to-do list.

Integrated Gems and Services

  • Devise - User Authentication
  • Bootstrap - Front-end Framework (HTML, Javascript)
  • RSpec - Testing Framework
  • Figaro - Secure Configurations
  • Faker - Generate fake data for testing

User Stories

  • As a user, I want to sign up for a free account by providing a user name, password and email
  • As a user, I want to sign in and out of Didit
  • As a user, I want to see my profile page (to-do list)
  • As a user, I want to create multiple tasks
  • As a developer, I want to seed the development database automatically with users and tasks
  • As a user, I want to mark tasks as complete and have them deleted
  • As a user, I want to see how many days remain before a task is automatically deleted
  • As a user, my tasks should be automatically deleted seven days after their creation date
  • As a developer, I want to automate my delete Rake task to run each day


Developing this application was an enjoyable opportunity to build up a simple CRUD application by implementing page redirects, login functionality and an automatic rake task to create a fully functional service to the user. I also enjoyed implementing a Bootstrap theme, and designing the to do list using Bootstrap and CSS to create an upgraded user experience.